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Overseas expansion consulting service



We provide the support you need to expand your business overseas.
In recent years, with the rapid globalization of Japanese businesses, overseas expansion has become a theme that Japanese businesses cannot afford to ignore in their management practices.We have assembled a team of consultants with great track records in overseas expansion with various business models to support your business.
The most effective way for small to medium sized businesses to expand into overseas markets and increase profits is to implement reliable sales strategies that make use of local development.
With our wealth of experience, we provide original, practical expertise to help you find excellent sales agents.

Reasons for the need consulting in advance overseas business

Understanding the risks

Risks, including examples, from the point of view of political, economic and societal situations


As well as national conflict, forced eviction by the local government, strengthening of environmental regulations, and steep rises in labor costs, there are also risks that could be called unforeseen accidents, such as product damage due to the main roads not being maintained, or large losses due to currency exchange, and there is a big difference between grasping or not grasping these risks in advance.

Legal regulations, the tax system


There are many problems stemming from language, and there is a high likelihood that this will lead to trouble with the collection of loyalties etc. Exported products are often stopped at customs in the partner country, and the business will not proceed smoothly from the outset.

Labor, company internal management


The employment contract relations unique to expansion into overseas markets must be thoroughly decided upon in advance.
Small deficiencies will lead to resistance from the site’s employees, and things that were going well will turn bad.
There may be problems with management methods for overseas local subsidiaries, problems with technicians transferring, strikes due to work regulation changes and so on, as well as behavior you had not even imagined as a result of cultural customs. The site supervisor’s treatment of people, the local staff’s problems with women and so on are also things that must be determined strictly depending on the country.

Business partners (joint management partners, trade partners)


One unforeseen pitfall is to think, “Great, we’ve found a business partner!” and then to sign a contract with them immediately.
Checks and investigations of business partners and partner corporations are important.
Putting excess trust in a consultation can also invite problems, and when making a consultation, if you do not make sure to carefully have them correspond in a way that you yourself can understand, you will not be able to grow up into a large firm.
It is also necessary to set up a risk avoidance plan in advance in case of the sudden unannounced collapse of a business partner, suspicious communications, fraud etc.

Research service



We conduct a variety of research into businesses aiming for overseas markets.
You can leave it up to us to not only perform a basic survey of business trends, but also provide research proposals to help you expand your business.Reliable, accurate research results and analysis are essential when expanding your business overseas.
With our experience and connections, we provide you with the research you need to successfully expand your business.
It can be hard to obtain the core information you’re seeking with overseas research. We overturn this negative image and dispel any doubts our customers have.
With information from our partner companies in the countries concerned, we conduct basic surveys to help our customers decide which countries to expand into, as well as a range of market surveys and surveys into local laws.

Cases for examination

例)中国進出関連企業に対する支援 /Example) Support for a business related to expansion into China

  • 現地法人実態把握 /Understanding the actual condition of the local subsidiary
  • 業務改善事例 /Business improvement examples

Matters prior to the investigation

  • 売上減少、コスト高による業務不信からの回復
    Recovery from a business slump cause by a decline in sales and rising costs
  • 価格競争による売上減少に加え製品原価上昇で赤字継続
    A decline in sales due to price competition, as well as a continuing loss due to rising manufacturing costs
  • 海外現地法人との連結財務諸表がなく経営実態がわからない
    No consolidated financial statements with the overseas local subsidiary, and a lack of understanding of the state of the management
  • グループ間取引が複雑になっており、経営実地あが不明瞭になっているまま、投資を継続中
    Continuing investment when business between the groups is becoming complicated, and the management practice is becoming unclear


  • 財務調査の実施
    Site survey of the production line (local subsidiary)
  • 生産ラインの実地調査(現地法人)
    Carrying out a financial affairs examination
  • 財務調査の報告
    Financial affairs examination report
  • 生産効率改善に向けた改善実施の立案
    Improvement enactment draft aimed at improvements in production efficiency
  • 内部管理体制見直し
    Review of the internal management system
  • 月齢での数値集計・報告ライン/生産効率化の改善策の実施財務調査の報告
    Monthly total figures, improvement measures for production efficiency, and financial affairs investigation reports
  • 人事体系・総務・経理・管理体制見直し
    Review of the personnel, general affairs, accounting, and management systems

Achievements, results

Understanding the state of the entire company’s management, including overseas subsidiaries
  • 現状把握により、適切な経営判断を促進
    To promote suitable management decisions through an understanding of the current situation.
  • 自社グループの経営状況について銀行などに十分な説明を行うことができるようになり、金融取引が円滑化
    To be able to sufficiently explain the company group’s financial situation to banks etc. and to smooth out financial dealings.
To understand subsidiary companies’ business achievements, and propose improvements to the subsidiary companies.
  • 子会社への投融資の改修と為替リスクヘッジを実現
    Hedging risks related to repairs in investment and lending to the subsidiary company, currency exchange.
  • 子会社の中国・香港事業モデルの運営体制を整備
    Establishing a management structure for the subsidiary company’s China and Hong Kong business model.
Reviewing and improving the subsidiary company’s personnel, labor, general affairs, and accounting.
  • 子会社の人事・評価・給与体系の見直しを実現
    Carrying out reviews of the subsidiary company’s personnel, evaluations, and wage structure.
  • 総務・経理管理体制の改善と管理規程整備を実現
    Improvements to general affairs and accounting management systems, and establishing management regulations.

Translation service


We offer a translation service for business situations, in a variety of languages.
For international business, negotiation and commitment is essential, and unlike with domestic business, it is essential to consider the characteristics of the country when choosing your expressions and make sure that no misunderstandings occur.
Reliable translation is crucial for overseas expansion.



We provide translation services applicable to a variety of business environments.

Correspondence language

  • 英語 /English
  • ミャンマー語 /Myanmar
  • インドネシア語 /Indonesian
  • スペイン語 /Spanish
  • タイ語 /Thai
  • 中国語(簡体)/Chinese (Simplified)
  • 中国語(繁体)/Chinese (Traditional)
  • 韓国語 /Korean

Corrections and proofreading for publishing aimed at Asia

新製品・新サービス・展示会・プロモーション活動などに伴い、現地でのパブリッシング の添削・校正を行っております。ネイティブによる、表現チェックや文章添削など現地での配布物として適切な内容へのチェックを迅速に行っています。

Along with new products, new services, expositions, and promotion activities, we are also carrying out on site publishing corrections and proofreading. We carry out speedy checks on the appropriateness of the content of items for local distribution, with expression checks and writing touch ups by native speakers.

Correspondence language

  • 英語 /English
  • ミャンマー語 /Myanmar
  • インドネシア語 /Indonesian
  • スペイン語 /Spanish
  • タイ語 /Thai
  • 中国語(簡体)/Chinese (Simplified)
  • 中国語(繁体)/Chinese (Traditional)
  • 韓国語 /Korean


Recruitment and dispatch service



We also offer an overseas recruitment and dispatch service.
We support you in finding business partners you can trust.
Depending on the country, it can be difficult to know how to search for reliable partners alone.With so many differences in culture, history, and habit, it is also crucial to build relationships of trust with your overseas clients.
A smooth relationship of trust is the first step to success.

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